Tuesday, April 8, 2014


A Year Since My Last Post
Holy Crap! It has been a year since my last post! I suppose the title " Ultra Beast & Beyond" has thwarted me from babbling about nonsense.  I can assure you my Facebook friends have suffered over the last 12 months. I haven't been racing much due to injury and life getting in the way (frankly, I have no complaints life is better than good!). Now I'm sure you're wondering why i picked up this bizarre and "out of character" routine back up..BOSTON 2014 baby!

My Thoughts on Boston
So I am not exactly thrilled to report that 2014 is another year that duty called. Instead of chasing a PR in Bean Town I will once again be doing my real job. 14' is special to me and I was excited for a few reasons, #1 I was finally qualified, and #2 I am all about patriotic defiance and not letting a disgusting act of terrorism hold me back from my passions in life. #3 would be the star studded line up toeing(SP?) the line this year. I am really looking forward to seeing how Ryan Hall & Desi D's "study abroad program" has worked. This year I finally qualified with a (slower than i had hoped) 3:00:03 marathon in Dayton, OH at the USAF marathon. Despite nearly breaking my 5k PR trying to get to the starting line in enough time to take a piss (traffic was horribly managed...and I DID get to pee after begging some half marathoners for their place in line). USAF was the last day to qualify and my first traditional marathon since my embarrassing (sorta) hungover performance in VT. The goal was 2:55, and i missed it by a lifetime, but the contingency was the ability to refer to myself as "qualified".  Instead of registering right away for my racing Mecca, I decided to drive halfway across the country to spend my free evening with Ashley & Libby. Libs tried to stay awake for my homecoming but didn't quite make it. Boston sold out that evening, and i really didn't care (remember that whole "life getting in the way" thing? These girls are just that..my life.) In November/December of 13' the B.A.A. announced an essay contest (limited in length) on our thoughts about last year. AHA! this is why i am blogging again! I thought I would share the essay I wrote for the B.A.A. that was eventually accepted and secured my place in the 117th running of this epic footrace. I am sharing this because I know what it is like to be in your(uhm) sneakers. trusting your training and running your last "long one" this weekend. I doubt it will inspire many or any for that matter, but if you're like me (and you should be) you enjoy this kind of shit ;)

On April 15, 2013 I was just relieved of duty at U.S. Coast Guard station Merrimack River in

Newburyport, MA. Feeling down on myself after answering several repetitive questions to the tune

of "Why aren't you running today?" I stepped onto the treadmill on the second deck of the station

and started my typical 8 mile run staring out the window at the river. Around mile 6 of my

mundane workout a co­worker of mine called me downstairs to the messdeck where we watched

the events unfolding. Like many others I sent out multiple text messages to friends and

teammates to ensure they were safe. I watched for a few moments and decided that I should go

home to Haverhill, MA knowing I may be called into the city. I received a phone call that evening

saying that myself and another USCG Law Enforcement officer will be augmenting security in

Boston Harbor. With a head full of emotions, and the evening free I left a message to my friends

on Facebook that said "I'm going running because I CAN." I'm not sure how much farther I went

that day but I know it will be one of the most memorable runs of my life. On April 16th, I fulfilled

my duties in Boston and couldn't help but stare at all of the Yellow Adidas jackets. Boston had

been a pipe dream of mine for a few years but had never qualified. I have since transferred to Fort

Dix, NJ and represented the Coast Guard in the US Air Force Marathon in Dayton, OH. I ran a

3:00:03 a BQ for a 30 yr. old male. The goal was under 3hr. Boston 2014? thanks.

Well Wishes

A lot of my friends and teammates will be toeing the line in Hopkinton, cheered on by the "Wellesley girls", feeling the burn of "Hearbreak Hill", and rounding that final left onto Boylston. I would be full of shit if I said I wasn't jealous but I WILL be thinking of you this Patriots Day!